The purpose of the West Carrollton All Class Reunion Association is
to foster the continuing friendship and association of all West Carrollton
High School graduates as they go through life.
The association is a non-profit organization that relies strictly on volunteers
for it's operation. That operation is handled by a board of officers that
are duly elected and serve prescribed terms. Meetings are conducted by
parlimentary procedure.
Current Officers-(Thru September2016)
President - Larry Henderson '78
Vice President - Margie Thompson '72
Secretary - Denise Dorsey '75
Treasurer - Sandy Kiger Gomes '72 skigergomes@hotmail.com
Historian - Bob Hoffman '49 bbhoffman70@yahoo.com
Primary Activities
Each Fall, the Association sponsors the West Carrollton All Class Reunion
where all alumni and friends can gather. The Association provides
college scholarships to graduating seniors of West Carrollton High School
funded by alumni donation and any dinner dance surplus.